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Hemorrhoid sclerotherapy

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Safety. We use modern medications without negative health effect
Pain-free. We use the narrowest needles and a patient feels just a slight itchiness
Outpatiently. No need to be hospitalized. You can get back on track right after procedure
The latest hemorrhoid treatment method with the help of sclerosants (special medication that is injected into hemorrhoid lumen), that trigger fibrosis and sclerosis and lead to the removal of hemorrhoid paries.

Hemorrhoid sclerotherapy is the easiest and the most effective treatment method of hemorrhoid at its early stages.


German Medical Center offers diagnostics and treatment of the following diseases:
anal fissure
anal fimbriae
anal polyps
rectal fistula
perianal pointed condyloma
pilonidal cyst
Our advantages:
hemorrhoid hardening
ligation of hemorrhoid with rubber band operative hemorrhoid treatmen
minimally invasive procedures
modern high-technology equipment
disposable supplies
short recovery period
post-operation patient management
We use the latest methods for hemorrhoid treatment:
Procedure is performed the following way: blood supplying hemorrhoid area gets injected with sclerogenic liquid, that leads to hemorrhoid denutrition and as a result to its narrowing. No more bleeding and inflammation, anal canal is toned.
3-4 injections with with 5-10 days interval is normally enough. You can see progress even after the first procedure.
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